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Liping Jiang

Vice President of State Grid Energy Research Institute (SGERI)


长期从事能源电力发展战略与规划、行业经济政策、体制改革与市场化建设、新能源发展及能源转型等方面的研究咨询工作。国家发改委、国家科技部及国家能源局等国家主管部门的能源规划及政策研究咨询专家,中国能源研究会理事暨能源经济专业委员会副主任委员,中国电机工程学会太阳能热发电专业委员会副主任委员,(美国)能源系统并网组织(ESIG)咨询委员会委员,IEEE PES电力系统规划运行与技术经济委员会副主席暨能源电力技术经济分委会主席。


Ms. JIANG Liping has been engaged in consultancy on strategy, planning and policies in energy and power sector for years, with plentiful experience on power and energy related technical economics, market reform, renewable energy, as well as comprehensive development strategies of China’s power sector in the long run. She is consultant of NDRC, MOST, NEA and other related authorities of China. She is also Vice Chairman of Energy System Engineering Technical Committee of CHINA ENERGY RESEARCH SOCIETY (CERS) and Concentrating Solar Power Technical Committee of CHINESE SOCIETY FOR ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING (CSEE), as well as member of Advisory Council of ENERGY SYSTEMS INTEGRATION GROUP (ESIG) , etc.