Professor Andrew Keane
Director of UCD Energy Institute
Andrew Keane is Director of the Energy Institute at University College Dublin and Director of the SFI Energy Systems Integration Partnership Programme (ESIPP). ESIPP brings together multiple disciplines to address research challenges facing the energy sector, in particular as we accelerate the decarbonisation of our energy systems. Andrew’s research interests include the impact of new energy resources on the power system from the residential network up to the high voltage transmission system. Current research topics focus upon the impact and opportunities presented by renewable and distributed energy resources on the electrical network. Previously, he has served as Head of the School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering at UCD and held positions in industry with ESB Networks in Dublin and Smarter Grid Solutions in Glasgow. In 2015 he co-founded NovoGrid a grid automation company developing software solutions for renewable generators and utilities. He is a Senior Member of the IEEE and past chair of the IEEE Power and Energy Society UK and Ireland Chapter. He has published over 100 peer reviewed publications, including over 50 papers in leading journals.