Professor Patricia Maguire
Director of the UCD Institute for Discovery
Professor Patricia Maguire is Director of the UCD Institute for Discovery, a major cross-disciplinary research institute in UCD, which builds and cultivates interdisciplinary connections in emerging areas of research aligned to the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Recent campaigns include ‘AI for good’, ‘Plotting the Future’, ‘Cybersecurity’ and ‘Data for Healthcare’. UCD Discovery is also a member of the prestigious University-Based Institutes for Advanced Study (UBIAS) network.
Patricia’s own research interests are focused on combining her world-leading expertise in platelet biology together with Artificial Intelligence to aid in the diagnosis and further understanding of inflammatory diseases including Preeclampsia, Multiple Sclerosis, Venous ThromboEmbolism and COVID-19. She is author on over 55 peer-reviewed publications of exceptional impact in leading international journals including several senior author manuscripts in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, Proteomics and Blood. She has won multiple awards including the 2020 Science Foundation Ireland Mentorship Award and the 2021 NovaUCD Invention of the Year Award.